Friday, June 18, 2010

Dr Appt-33 weeks!

Yesterday (06/17) I had my 33 week OB appointment. Which also happened to be my first cervical check (TMI? Sorry but this is my The doctor said my cervix was thinning but no dilation yet which is great! Here are the stats from yesterdays appointment:

-Miss Isabella weighs approximately 4 lbs 11 oz. and my Dr. does not think she will be more than 7 lbs. But we shall see :)

-Her heartrate is dropping now, which he said it does at the end of the pregnancy, it was 140.

-I have gained a whopping 32 lbs so far! Oh my!

-My blood pressure was perfect!

My doctor does not think that I will go full term though. He is thinking between weeks 37-38, but you never know he says! ha.

I am feeling pretty pregnant these days. I see a change in my belly almost daily, it is so strange that she is getting so big now. I can't believe that I only have 7 weeks until my due date. That is insane to me. I was (almost) 7 weeks pregnant when I heard her heartbeat for the first time!

So here is another belly update:

I am wearing a lot of dresses these days even though at the beginning of my pregnancy I swore I would be wearing pants still. ha ha!

I am now on weekly appointments so get ready for some major Baby Isabella updates coming your way :)

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend...Mine is going to be GREAT because my mommy is coming to town and we have a FULL weekend planned! yay! :)

God Bless :)


  1. Cori, wow. Your belly looks so cute!!!

    Have fun with your Mom! I'm spending my weekend with my Mom, also! YAY for Mommy-Daughter-Weekeneds lol

  2. You look so cute!!!

    Love the new layout

  3. Wow! You're getting close! I'm so excited for you.

    I wish my mom was with me this weekend.

    And I also love your new layout. Too cute!

    Keep us posted!
