Monday, March 29, 2010

Our Weekend..In Words.

Our weekend was nothing special. Friday night we went to dinner for Noah's grandma (Mawmaw)'s 70th Birthday. We went to one of my favorite restaurants, The Caboose. It is a small family owned restaurant here in town. The food was yummy and Mawmaw really enjoyed all her gifts. It was just big affair really. But it was fun.

Saturday morning we laid around the house until about noon. Then we took the kids to eat lunch at Perkins. I ate my entire plate (so unlike me) and was miserable after that. ha! We then went to the park, where the kids ran and played in the sand and got really dirty. Oh well..that is what kids do right?

After the park, was a quick trip to Target for some basics. Don't you just love Target? I know I do!!

After Target...HOME!! I was super tired and worn out by this point and just wanted to nap. And nap I did! Noah played outside with Elijah while Kirsten and I napped. It was a nice break to be in the house...and it was quiet!!

Saturday night, I finally got to watch The Blind Side. I loved it!! Very inspirational. We spent the rest of the evening lounging around and eating pizza. (yummmmmy)

Sunday was church as usual, it was cold and rainy all day. We stayed in and I was in bed most of the day with a headache. I did come out however for some chili (one of my favs). The kids played and I rested.

So that was our weekend.

Elijah is on spring break this week so Noah is keeping him. He took the kids today to the children's musuem in town. Dora and Diego are supposed to be there! Lol.

Hope you all have a great week!

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