Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thank You Very Much!

The Daily Dribbles

It is Thursday and that means FREE Therapy day over at Kmama's. Head on over there for some fun therapy!

-To my attorney I transcribe for everyday, I have told you repeatedly that I can NOT hear the first few seconds of the tapes when you are talking and therefore causing me to leave them blank. Thank you VERY much!

-To all my pre-pregnancy clothes that fit 2 weeks ago but not this week, causing me to wash clothes wayyy more often than I want...Thank you VERY much!

-To my clients who think that just because you cover yourself head to toe in perfume and/or cologne to cover the smell of the cigarette and/or other things you may be smoking which in turn causes this pregnant woman to be extremely nauseous and then get a headache that lasts all day...Thank you VERY much!

-To the soliciters that call our office but can't speak a lick of English causing me to hang up on you..Thank you VERY much!

Whew that feels better...Need some FREE Therapy? Go check out Kmama's blog and join in!


  1. I can't stand it when people douse themselves in perfume or cologne. I get physically ill.

    I remember when I first outgrew my normal clothes. It's a milestone for sure!!

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. Stopping by from Kmama's. I sooo can sympathize with you on the legal front. I've got clients calling for 'one more advance' and other attorneys calling asking where their discovery is. Um, on my boss' desk that he refuses to look over after I spent hours drafting answers to and copying responsive documents for. Sorry about the clothes issue...I haven't been pregnant in 22 year but still have that problem occasionally. You at least have an! Oh and I referred to my boss today as a "53 year old man who acts like a 14 year old girl with PMS who just got dumped by her first real boyfriend via a Post-it Note in geometry class"...I may need to look into alternate!
