Wednesday, March 3, 2010

17 weeks!

On Saturday I was 17 weeks pregnant! I can’t believe that time has flown by so fast! I love being pregnant.  I just wanted to share a quick picture of my “baby bump” with you.

preggo 17

It is not a very good picture because I took it myself but you can tell my belly is getting bigger :) I can now feel the baby move…it is really awesome.  I am just amazed every day that God has trusted me to carry this baby and raise him/her in HIS name!! What an honor!!

I have my next OB appointment next thursday (03/11) and we get to find out if we are having a boy or girl! I can not wait!!

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  1. You look AWESOME!

    I'm still saying Girl! :-)

  2. You are SOOOO cute!! Look at that little bump!

    Are you goint share the gender??
