Friday, June 3, 2011

Scripture of the Day-Fruits of the Spirit

Today's scripture of the day comes from Galations 5:22-23

"But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!"

Love-I am pretty good at this one with the people I actually "love". But I know the Lord commands us to love our neighbors as our selves (Mark 12:31). I can't say that I exhibit love towards people that I don't know and/or don't like.

Joy-I am pretty good at showing Joy in my life. I know I don't do it always and that is something that needs worked on. Showing Joy in the trials of life (as yesterday's scripture said).

Peace-I pretty much stink at this one. I hardly ever have "peace" about things. I am a self-proclaimed worrier.

Patience-yep, another one I stink at. I have patience for about an hour or so with most things..then my patience starts wearing thin.

Kindness-I am kind to the people close to me and also to strangers. But to my enemies..I am not. Also, to people I deem "different" I know I am not kind.

Goodness-I am perplexed by "goodness" Does that mean we should be "good" all the time because that is impossible as we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God.

Faithfulness-I would say that I am faithful. I have fallen off the bandwagon a time or two but all in all I am a faithful follower of Christ.

Gentleness-Until I am angry, I am gentle. I definitely have my non-gentle moments!

Self control- I have pretty good self control. I am not easily angered (unless extremely tired).

It appears I have a lot to work on after evaluating this verse. :)


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