Monday, June 13, 2011

Things we take forgranted

If I had to guess, you probably have one (or more. We have 3!) of these in your house. Am I right?

Well the children at Shine Uganda Ministries which our ministry helps support use this:

And they are in need of a new one. Desperately. We are raising funds to help them build another toilet/bathroom. They do not have running water so a "normal" toilet is not something they can have. But with your donations and support they can have a new toilet/bathroom area that is clean and more sanitary. Just go here to donate if the Lord calls you. The children would very much appreciate it.

Please visit Shine Uganda's website for information on sponsoring a child there or click on my "ministry" tab above to read more about what we are striving to do.

About 3 weeks ago we recieved letters and drawings from the children at the orphanage. I am going to get them scanned and uploaded as soon as I can.

May God Bless You.


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